McFadyen's Window
on the World
Monday, September 25, 2006
I've just spent a weekend in heaven!

As a friend said yesterday " I've just spent a weekend in heaven but had to come back today!"
We spent nearly the entire weekend in church, Friday through Sunday. I know, I know that's not what most people would think of as a good weekend and I would normally say the same thing. Our church went through the second in a series of weekends on a spiritual Journey called Lay Renewal. I'll just quote the self description from the NAMB website....
When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, we begin our Spiritual Journey and many different people, events and experiences in our lives causes us to grow on that journey. Most of the time progress on our Spiritual Journey cannot be measured by time or by our age. Our relationship with our Lord grows in both the mountain top highs when we celebrate and praise Him, as well as when we are in the low valley and desperately need and call on Him.
A visiting team of Christians from other churches come and participates with the church during the weekend, leading in praise songs and testimonies about where they are on their Journey. They are not "Super Christians," just ones that are aware of their journey and are willing to testify about what the Lord is doing in their life at the present time.
The weekend begins at the church on Friday night with a church-wide meal then a General session in the Sanctuary. There are meetings in the church members homes on Saturday morning and separate Men and Ladies luncheon meeting. Free time after lunch until Saturday evening when the church regroups for another meal and general session and special family prayer time. Part of the Sunday School time in used for testimonies from home church members about what the weekend has meant to them and a special Sunday Worship Service completes the visiting team member’s part of the weekend. The Highlight of the weekend is the Evaluation Service Sunday night, when the church as a body evaluates what the Holy Spirit has been saying to them during the Weekend.
The experience was nothing short of incredible. I feel lifted up.... filled up maybe even overflowing. I can't really explain it all and it's going to take some time to process it all but I am very, very thankful to my God for leading me to this place in my life.
I feel renewed to get back to encouraging others as I've done so much in the past. I feel like a part of what I am meant to do in this life is to use the pain I've experienced to some how lift others up and encourage them to get through the pain in their own lives and this weekend has brought me back to the place where I can again do that.
Thak You Lord!
posted by RiverBend1 at 8:59 AM

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